Based on ethics, competence and commitment to its collaborators, clients and suppliers for more than half a century, GRANOL has documented its principles and values in a manual: the Code of Ethics and Conduct.
The values init stated, elaborated to promote healthy and balanced development, are known by all collaborators of the company. These values are to be implemented with no exceptions and, furthermore, replicated in agreements with clients, suppliers and any of GRANOL’s relationships.
Confidential Hotline
GRANOL’s confidential hotline is at the disposal of the general public and guarantees confidential contact to the suspects of dishonest or unlawful conduct, fraude, theft, or any irregularities and harmful acts towards the company and/or its collaborators. There is no need for identification upon contact and any accusation is immediately investigated. Following the investigation, the case is sent to the appropriate company directors and legal action may be taken if necessary.
Our Mission Statement demonstrates GRANOL’s pledge to act ethically and to fulfill all of its commitments, but beyond statements, daily examples remind people to take these values as their own as a way of acting, reacting and being. These attitudes are examples that resonate beyond the company limits, reflecting on the society around us. Contributing to the preservation of our planet is also a crucial part of GRANOL’s corporate principles. After years of promoting and implementing sustainability, GRANOL is an example of conscientiousness towards the environment and eco-friendly corporate practices.
Our Mission Statement demonstrates GRANOL’s pledge to act ethically and to fulfill all of its commitments, but beyond statements, daily examples remind people to take these values as their own as a way of acting, reacting and being. These attitudes are examples that resonate beyond the company limits, reflecting on the society around us. Contributing to the preservation of our planet is also a crucial part of GRANOL’s corporate principles. After years of promoting and implementing sustainability, GRANOL is an example of conscientiousness towards the environment and eco-friendly corporate practices.
Social Programs
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