Our people, our greatest patrimony!
Over these 55 years at Granol, we have faced many challenges. The covid-19 pandemic and the restrictions imposed on all Brazilians have been an unprecedented challenge. Granol supplies essential sectors of our economy, food, and fuel, so we CANNOT STOP. We understand that being in the essential services business requires efforts from our entire community, so we are grateful for everyone’s commitment and reinforce our commitment to people and business.
We are operating committed to following all the necessary safety and hygiene measures, taking care, in the first place, of our employees’ health and also our customers. All Granol production and administrative units have been adopting security measures, providing tools, and publishing instructions in accordance with the recommendations of WHO, Health Ministry, and local authorities.
Granol is committed to taking care of its people and maintaining its operations to continue supplying the Brazilian market with the certainty that all this will pass and we will be more strengthened and united. Our channels remain open to assist our partners and consumers to contact us!
During this unprecedented period that we are living in, our purpose of improving the quality of life and contributing to a healthier future is now more important than ever. We do not interrupt our activities to guarantee the supply and supply of essential products to society.
This relationship is valuable for Granol, therefore, the health and safety of our employees, our business partners, and the communities where we operate is a priority. We are committed to playing a key role in responding to this pandemic, taking care of our community.
* Mandatory mask use in our facilities;
* Social distance implementation, whenever possible and according to the guidelines of each unit;
* Temperature monitoring also following the unit rules;
* Encouragement and guidance for correct hand asepsis and availability of alcohol-gel;
* Availability and publication of frequent information to our employees.
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